Regardless of the country or district of the supplier or the source of funds of the recipient and the method of payment used 不论供方国别和地区、受方资金来源和偿付方式
In our country, a number of questions exist in the current state Compensation Law on the payment mode of cost and on its implementation. 我国现行国家赔偿法对国家赔偿费用支付方式的规定,在落实中存在若干问题。
To establish a successful socialist business labor payment management sysem in our country it is important to make a in-depth study of the characteristics and successful practices of Japan's business labor labor payment system. 研究日本企业工资制度的这些特征及其在工资管理方面的成功做法和经验,对建立我国社会主义企业工资管理体系有着重要的借鉴意义。
Finacial service trade liberalization has greatly promoted the development of international trade, and widened the methods and channels of the adjustment of balance of payment for each country, which positively influences the equilibrium of balance of payment. 金融服务贸易自由化有力地促进了国际贸易的发展,并使金融服务贸易日益成为国际贸易的最重要内容;
Finally, combining with the actuality of our country electronics payment system, and using for reference the advanced law regulation abroad, I put forward the advice of perfecting our country electronic payment regulation. 最后,结合目前我国电子支付领域存在的实际问题和立法现状,借鉴国外先进的法律规定,提出了健全我国电子支付法律制度的立法建议。
And it describes the existing problems in our country's legal system of fiscal transferring payment emphatically. 第四部分则就如何完善我国当前财政转移支付法律制度提出了笔者自己的观点,以期能为我国财政转移支付法律制度的完善略尽绵薄。
It is emergent to reform taxation system of agriculture, co ordinate tax duty in city and country, perfect the law of tax, strengthen macro control, found proper transfer payment system and reinforce tax levying management. 改革农业税制,统一城乡税负,完善税收法制,加强宏观调控,建立合理的转移支付制度,加强税收征管已势在必行。
Financial transfer payment means that the governments in different levels of one country transfer the financial fund between each other in order to achieve the economic balance, Under the already committed frame of government duties, payment responsibility and tax assignment system. 财政转移支付指一个国家的各级政府之间在既定的事权、支出责任和税收划分框架下,为实现双向均衡而进行的财政资金的相互转移。
And the fourth part is about the application and practice choice in our country. In the first part of the article, the author introduces the meaning and the features of the international trade payment and reviewes its development. 在文章的第一部分,作者首先对国际贸易支付的含义及特点进行了介绍,对国际贸易支付的产生和发展进行了梳理,意在为整篇文章的展开奠定基础。
Japan, a country of unitary fiscal system, carries out a transfer payment from central government to local governments in fiscal distribution. 日本是单一制国家,财政分配实行中央向地方转移支付。
In terms of the characteristics of land petroleum resources and the reform history of tax system of our country, by analyzing the key problem of petroleum tax payment, this article put forward related future reform suggestions of tax system and policy of our country. 本文针对我国陆上石油资源的特点,在总结我国石油税制历史沿革的基础上,通过分析我国油气田企业税制中存在的主要问题,提出我国税制改革的相关建议。
The choice of this mode is based on the concrete conditions of one country, including whether the institutional conditions for implementation of large scale transfer payment are fulfilled or not and the advantages and limitations of balancing various tax distribution management modes. 该模式的选择需考虑一国的具体情况,包括是否具备实施大规模转移支付的制度条件以及权衡各种分税制管理模式的优势与局限。
With investigation into some financial institutes in our country, this paper has pointed that there exist many kinds of financial risk in Online Payment System of financial institutes, however, credit risk and liquidity risk are still two major risk types. 本文通过对我国金融机构进行调查研究后指出,尽管金融机构的网上支付系统存在着许多不同形式的风险,但信用风险、流动性风险仍是两种最主要的风险类型。
This paper discuss the effect problem of financial transfer payment system of our country through analyzing the proportion of shifts payment structure and policy the effect of enforcement comparison. 本文通过分析我国财政转移支付的比例结构、政策实施的效果比较,来探讨我国财政转移支付的效应问题。
In our country, fault in basic rights of taxpayers, such as consent to tax payment, election of representatives, service from governments and prudence in paying taxes, constitutes obstructions for legal governing of taxation, establishment of market economy as well as public finance. 在我国,纳税人基本权利&赞同纳税、选举代表、政府服务、节俭税款等的缺失是建立市场经济和公共财政的障碍;
The forth chapter introduces the situation of treasury centralized payment system in our country, which includes account establishment, the payment procedure and the compare of every country's finance payment mode. 第四部分为我国财政国库集中支付制度实施方案分析,包括我国实行财政国库集中支付制度的账户设置,财政支出拨付程序和国库集中支付模式之比较。
There are a lot of shortcomings in E commerce of our country, such as insufficient infrastructure, immature system of material distribution and unsecure electronic payment, which have seriously stunted the development of E commerce. 当前我国电子商务存在着基础设施不足、物流配送体系不完备、电子支付安全性无法得以保障等问题,已严重影响了电子商务的健康发展。
The cost control of country road engineering is throughout the whole procedure of the project construction. It is an effective method that emphasizes the steps of establishment and design, does not neglect the steps of tender bidding and construction payment and strengthen the evaluation after the project. 农村公路项目工程造价控制工作贯穿于项目建设的全过程,在这期间,着重立项、设计阶段,不忽视招投标与施工结算阶段,加强项目完结后的评价工作,这是行之有效的方法。
Therefore, it becomes a problem having to be studied and settled urgently how to rationally construct our country's system of deposit insurance, protect the interest of depositor and pledge normal payment of deposit, thereby defend the stability of the whole financial system. 因此,如何合理构建符合我国国情的存款保险制度,保护存款人利益,保证存款的正常支付,从而维护整个金融体系的稳定,成为一个亟待研究并解决的问题。
At present, the old-age insurance in our country has shifted from foundation of collection and payment in cash in central-planned economy to the partial accumulation foundation that combines overall social planning with personal accounts ( OSPPA) in the market economy. 目前,我国的养老保险制度已经由计划经济条件下的现收现付模式过渡到市场经济条件下的部分积累模式,实行社会统筹和个人账户相结合。
As a big developing country in the period of economic takeoff, China should select the feasible short-term and long-and-medium-term objectives of adjusting balance of payment to promote the sound, stable, and sustainable development of economy. 作为处于经济起飞阶段的发展中大国,我国应选择切实可行的国际收支调节的近期目标和中长期目标,以促进经济健康、稳定和可持续发展。
Each country accorded to its distribution of financial resources and the need of achieving financial balance goals, to determine the different modes of transfer payments, at the same time, the mode of transfer used in the means of payment is not the same. 各个国家根据其财政资源分布状况及实现财力均衡目标的需求,确定不同的转移支付模式;同时,各模式下所采用的转移支付手段也不相同。
The funds management difficulty and complexity of the continuous increase in our country all levels of school. How to facilitate payment, consumption the use of funds is an urgent problem to be solved. 我国各级学校资金管理的难度和复杂性不断加大,如何方便师生缴费、消费等资金使用是一个迫切需要解决的问题。
But, our country on the regulation of third-party payment platform, is yet to be perfect. Most of the existing legal documents regulate it only from the real and framework. 但是,我国对第三方支付平台的监管尚待完善,现有法律文件大多只是从实体上、框架上对其进行规定。
A country with foreign exchange reserves mainly wants to adjust balance of payments, foreign payment, maintain exchange rate stability, etc. Therefore, foreign exchange reserve is an important means of one country adjust foreign economic and trade activities. 一国拥有外汇储备主要出于调节国际收支、保证对外支付、维持汇率稳定等方面的目的,所以,外汇储备是一国调节对外经贸活动的重要手段。
According to the strategic plan of country, the State urged all localities to strive for all funded into the treasury single account system, and all of the various levels budget unit effectuations exchequer concentrates payment system by 2010. 根据国家的战略部署,国家要求各地力争在2010年将所有财政性资金全部纳入国库单一账户体系运行管理,各级预算单位全部实行国库集中支付制度。
Then, use five competitive forces model of competition to analyze the industrial value chain of the third party payment industry in our country, and identify the status of the third party payment in the industry value chain in our country enterprise. 接着,运用五力竞争模型分析了我国第三方支付产业价值链的竞争格局与产业价值链现状,确认出我国第三方支付企业在产业价值链中的地位。
To control the too fast rising medical expense and reduce pressure, our country began to explore various forms of payment of medical insurance fund, which of them is Prospective payment of total amount money system. 国家为控制医疗费用的过快上涨,降低医保基金的支付压力,开始探索多种形式的医保基金支付方式,总额预付制即其中之一。